
Showing posts from June, 2011


大家!! 你们的生活是为了生么而忙?? 我!为了让我的大学生活更多姿多彩。。 忙到---》“三更”才能上网聊天。可是, 没人嘛陪我!!也有够可悲吧。 之前,我所写的感言: 看起来朋友很多。。。知心的没几个!!! 不知你们了解多少呢??我还是执迷不悟呢! 这学期都忙着: 繁重的课业! 学习如何管好学会的精神! 课业报告的详细! 学会的本领和指教! 小本生意的冲刺! 都一一把我每一分每一秒 挤满了。 这让我感到很自豪!!因为我成为了“忙碌的小头”。。 朋友都说:我知道你是大忙人! 我答:没错!你是空闲人!呵呵。。 朋友:哪不打扰啦! 我答:你不来打扰我才闷着呢!! 所以:大忙人=》因为他闷着》。《!!

Father Day^0^

D on't U Remember ???? T oday is Our reunion Day with our Father! and Family.......... I'm here wish all s' Father  HAPPY  FATHER  DAY!!

MUET !!!

!!!!MUET!!!  U Drag me to Hell!!!!! U dun even Try my limited till gone mad! Enough!!! Dun let me hate u in this world forever and ever! !

Results sucks!

FOR STUDENTS: Results is for???? F or me, result jz a kind of passing tickets and jz the purpose to looking for a permanent jobs& stable incomes. W hat's more, Results also consider as rubbish for degree level due to nowadays people looking for expert in certain skills or higher education level Ex. Master holder/ PHD. T hen, Youth teenagers like us, jz keep on struggling to achieve as better as v can without any intention to take care of health or other circumstances!! G uys! we already put a lot of effort bt then the return unsatisfied our expectation, should v pull /lower down our higher achievement? or pull up our sock keep on studying hard????  I n order to pass with flying color results to show off to ur parents?? ........ All this becoming my obstacles and the problems that v might face on!>.