
Showing posts from December, 2010

31/12/2010 I had something to express here

Date: End 0f Year 2010 Weather: Late Night Winding Very Special Day due to 1 year Blog sport Anniversary   I would like appreciate to all my blog viewers who always visiting my feeling expression in different manners. Next, i would like to impress  myself who always used blog to wreak out anything happened around me in my life within 1 years since i created my own blog. Releasing what i had done and any special circumstance occur and influence me in my reality perspective and make a critical judgment.  People here "Who" i  mention here, who are those affect my life deeply.   Family Category   Daddy- I m appreciated that, u struggle your sleeping hour and earning money for me to extend my education till top level which i can achieve. Without your support i might not here now. Thanks You so much. Mummy- Even though you always show your anger in front of me or siblings, because i knew that you are always concern about us if not nobody will show this kind of...


最近,我学会“宽恕”别人。。。 然而,发生了一发不可收拾的事情,而且更复杂化了。想想该如何化解掉“尴尬”。 可是,人的性格就是一个问题,所谓:“人不犯我,我不犯人”。 试听听这首歌,希望能让不开心的朋友们,从中领悟到!! 是不是该学会宽恕,原谅那“错误”呢?? 不止“爱情”“友情”“亲情”。。。 因为,人都会犯错,或踩到对方的”地雷“就时引爆了。。 当失去一样“物”或“人”时,才来懊悔。已太迟啦。 所以。。。*珍惜*。。。。。


18日12月2010                                    星期六                                                   阴天 今天,周末。好像下了一场狂风暴雨和开一道彩虹一样。前一分钟和后一分钟都会让人有种难以去想象会发生什么事。如料,这种现象已不是发生第一次了。难道是我个人行为该纠正?对待身边的朋友都是以“玩玩的心态”,让他们觉得我是个不能胜任他们的信任的。还是另有起因?谁会料到事情会演变成无法收拾的地步?又有谁能容忍?体谅?宽恕? 说得容易,当事情真正发生在自己身上时,你又能应变吗?“人”的忍耐是有限度,当一人爆发时,真的。。。,太过分!唉~ 为甚麽我会考虑回来这里读呢?这些琐碎的事情都在一刹那发生,自己也失去了某些美好的回忆。在一瞬间破灭了。 “原谅你”真的那么难说出口吗??你的道歉至今未必能达到对方的点。尴尬就此发生。友情就这样破灭,再也无法儞补。或再找回原本的快乐。人生陷入“黑暗”。原本开心的人,都在下一秒沉默了。 “玩笑”你也玩的太过分了!可以让人开心,也可以讨厌。 “玩笑”你太好玩啦!可以让人失去一切欢乐,却也能得到一切。 “玩笑” 你让我在生活中得到乐趣,却也让我失去 兴趣。 “玩笑”其实你一点都不好玩!

sorry to yee hk

Main Character: Yee Hong Kit Reason: apologizing for did something stupid. I felt sorry that first time saw you behave so anger in front of me this time. I think that it the most terrible i did it to you. I would like to know whether can forgive me and don't worry i wont eat with you guys anymore.So, This phenomenon wont happen again.At least get some feedback from you so that i can feel better.I will wait for your respond.......... Sincerely,  L.H.T.

2012 no more Rumor!

This video was released last week Unexpected that :- 2012 going to coming toward human(Us)?? 2012 going to murder  human (Us)?? 2012 going to have no any precaution ?? 2012 going to give a signal or any attention to(Us)???? 2012 going to be truth???? 2012 going from Theater show and evolved into reality??? People now, please do something about it, don't make it deteriorating and might turn into situation that hopeless and cant be avoid. People now, please save the earth right now!!!! every single thing or contribution might give a hope from all of you and even yourself. People now, please to be self- responsible of land that we step on in kind of healthy mind set to minimize the natural disaster keep on occurring. P/S: All of us, starting go "GREEN" action nor matter where,who and when  you are.

给 Alviss 的歌 - 愛過

我的话:至少你“爱过”她。。 “爱” 原来您的魔力是多么的强烈,让一位帅气的男生可以为了爱而自我牺牲了。 “爱”原来会带来灾难,让人难以避免。 “爱”原来您是多么无情,都不给多一次机会。 “爱”原来您可以让人改变他的人生和未来。 “爱”你总是突然而来又不觉中突然而去。 “爱”你的影响力果然了得,让人都难以琢磨。 “爱”当失去你,就会让人悲哀和破裂。 虽然》》》》》》“爱” 无限!!

Result in -Behaviour test

B型 的 人 有你在的地方一定有欢笑,你善良,调皮,任性,霸道与贴心。你看起来活泼好动,但实际内心深处,你有些自卑而自负,你希望自己能把事情做到最好,你很在乎别 人对你的评价,你的性格像小孩,单纯直接,情绪化,喜怒哀乐写在脸上,你没有心机,但也缺少些自我保护的能力,你表面看来很容易相处,但想要走进你的内心 世界其实并不容易,你需要人家的鼓励,包容,宠爱和肯定,其实你也常常自我反省,你希望自己能做到起码80%的完美,但你似乎没那个毅力,所以你的情绪变 化无常,一定是被这些因素困扰的。 个人评鉴: 1)有我在的地方一定有欢笑,当然!我常常在朋友们面前闹出笑话~!! 2)善良,贴心。是男的都必须做到吧。 3)调皮,任性,才显出自我。 4)走进你的内心 世界其实并不容易,是超简单的 5   有些自卑。。身高,体重,运动痴。 6)情绪化,下一秒会不一样!!脸上都很直接写上喜怒哀乐。 7)没有心机,是天底下办不到的事~!! 8)需要人家的鼓励,包容,宠爱和肯定,人都“需要你的爱”~!!! 9)常常自我反省。。天天都在做。可是没有很大的效果。 10)希望自己能做到起码80%的完美,其实是100%的完美。 11)被这些因素困扰,都不知能不能找合适的人选来解决。(排除父母)

Hebe 田馥甄- 寂寞寂寞就好

这首歌想献给自己和朋友们~!!!                     所谓“ 寂寞就是人说话时,没人在听;有人在听时,你却没话说了”!!! 想到自己最近都在过一个人的生活。。其实是多么想围绕着很多很多的朋友甚至。。。 都不明白自己一直在干嘛!!都说话带刺对待“室友们” 这个假期应该反省反省~!!!会不会自己有忧郁症???不会吧??想太多??还是想让人注意到你的一举一动??很无聊叻! 听听这首歌" keon yk" 又会说”下一秒你又会emo~ 哈哈!!果真!!!果真啊。。。

the stupid things i did during month

Welcome to December 2010,In the month of November, i sensed  that time passing like a thunder. But then, i felt that, November is a long month for me who did lots of stupid things include:- Switched off my house mate light  accidentally while he was bathing.  Increasing the volume of my roommate speaker, causing my house mate cant focusing on their projects and "broken Wall" effect was occur. Helped those foundation holidays people tidy their room, keeping their room in clean condition but without any  thankful or appreciated. Organize lots of practical mock meeting to my group members, in the ended, we got nothing for the results. Always thought of friend are getting lesser and nobody concern it.  Dating "someone" for lunch, in the ended because of helping those"stranger" to take care of their  booth but nothing in return.(stupid volunteer) SMS to greet those Exam "people" while people in the exam moments. B...