Misses-- Memory---

~memory forever~
Guys!!! remember this photo????
 every year early in January, we 6 of us will celebrate  "Ms Lee"'s  birthday, this year we cant make it due to

1.Nai who going back to INTI tommorow , his time management cant make it for this year. i felt too bad.
Hope he can graduate succeed soon... and all the best in their life in the future. tomorrow have a good journey.
2.Dai bei( Bei Min) who goin f0r her National Service to replace the want she delay. Felt proud was that, she successfully graduated in her UTAR life. That' why tis year she cant join for this year 's celebration.

3.Wan Yee who knows me for many years since secondary school, best frenzs, brilliant students, her determination is fully respected by me. She also cant make it due to her LOCAL UNI life  is starting...
i am here wish her all the best in her UNI , come back 2 Kluang frequently. coz , long time never meet her, quite miss her a lot^.^

4. Kang jie who a "guy" i felt lucky to meet him, cause he was from CHHS students, and he influence me a lot that, he damn rich!! hahas..just kidding, actually his has same characteristic as me----talkative, he likes gossip anyway..anytime..any place. This year he cant make it also because  he has no sufficient money come to Kluang, actually he from Kahang.But, i felt grateful that, everytime v meet, he always present promptly.

anyway..I am here wish all of u have a wonderful days,all the best in their life, no matter how struggle the life, they can handle it without any blocker!!!!
~Good LuCk~


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